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Reporting to Parents

A positive home and school partnership is essential if we are to ensure students are getting a quality education. We have reviewed our systems to ensure parents have regular opportunities to engage with the school and receive important information.


The following are opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's learning and to receive updates on their progress at school.


  • Fortnightly newsletters: this is electronically distributed every second Wednesday and posted on this website.  You can request a paper copy if you prefer.


  • Syndicate newsletters: sent out in Week 2 of Term 1, with information specific to  the year group your child is in.


  • HERO app:  this is used to promote and report on student achievement, issue reminders of upcoming events and make announcements.  Student financial information is also available on the HERO app.

  • School facebook page: this is used to issue reminders of upcoming events, and make announcements (such as postponements or cancellations).


  • School website: this site gives you access to a range of information regarding the school.


  • School picnic: usually held at the beginning of the year, this is a great way to meet the class teachers and other parents.


  • School celebrations: these are advertised in the newsletter or notes home.


  • School Assemblies: held once a fortnight, Fridays at 2.15 in the school hall (check Term Calendar for specific dates).


  • Parent / Teacher interviews: held during Terms 1 and 3. Term 1 is around goal setting, Term 3 is around student progress.


  • School reports: these are sent out mid and end year via the HERO app.


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